Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Could anything be more mysterious than the question of the unseen spirit world? Angelic beings have always been a mystery to people on the earth. Do angels actually exist?

Watch the video clips. caught on the tape flying in the air:

From eternity God was supreme, which to our human minds means God sat on the throne of all that existed or was to exist. In the 25th chapter of Exodus, we find an earthly description of the very throne of God in heaven, in the description of the ark built by Moses under God's instruction. On either side of God's throne was a super archangel, a cherub, whose wings stretched out covering the very throne of God. They were aides, ministers, servants, of the most High God.

These Being of Light Angels in a village outside of Europe where it was recorded was a very clear day no clouds in the sky had facilitated the recording of this object or Angel Angel is said that seems to have two wings which seems to agitate or fly or float in the sky.

this seems parked after moving at a lower speed as the light being wants to be recorded, the ufo has lots of light and also the sun itself really helps it look a lot more, so there is light or reflect light sol. Looks like a being of light which moves northward flounced or flapping wings creating a ripple seems that being fleet apparently stirred no wings to fly rather floating in the sky.

Your Guardian Angel

We each have a guardian angel that remains with us throughout all our lifetimes. We also have a birth angel that is assigned to us for just this lifetime and others may be close to us to assist with a particular project, such as writing a book, or for a specific period of our life.

Our Guardian angel is always at our side. When in times of challenge and difficulty we may think we have been deserted and feel alone, our guardian angel remains with us, but our attention and energies may be else where, making close contact difficult.

Guardian angels hold our Divine blueprint and may gently nudge in the right direction or drop thoughts into our minds, giving us inspiration. They also protect us and keep us from harm. They do not stop us from dying: we all have to die, but they will intervene if it is not our time.

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