Sunday, December 19, 2021


20th December, 2021

To Mrs. Bekenaiwe and Esther Bekenaiwe,

 (Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela`s Mum and Sister),

C.E.O of Ela`s Excell Global Limited

Delta State.



 Mama Frank, I hail ooo, you are the woman who gave birth to the young man called FRANK BEKENAIWE who became C.E.O of a company that did well for a few months only. Right in your own very eye, the downfall of your Child began when he deviated from being a trustworthy person that people had known him to be into a scam.

It is expected that a good Mother will call her Child to order rather than choosing the path of JAMES BOND. It is pertinent to state that I am highly disappointed and actually perturbed to see that the mother and her Sister who should have counseled the young man are turning James Bond themselves by moving from your family house to another location. With due respect ma, I can say that by this singular act of yours ma, you are misleading this young man instead of correcting him. By extension ma, i wonder the kind of African mother you are with due respect once again. I am so fash-ed (worried).

 Guided by the above, i do not need a prophet to tell us what could become of the Child in the nearest future, i sincerely pity him. Running to Canada or being James Bond is not the way out but coming out to quickly apologize and do the need full. Who is your role model ma?

 As for Madam Esther BEKENAIWE (Frank Sister in Canada), I hail 000, still feeling untouchable because you are in Canada, you are not ashamed of yourself, every single person I know in Diaspora always help people at home but in your own case, it is the reverse. The curses and karma are already revealed in your appearance even though you are in Canada. Don’t you understand that things like this make people stink? I have not seen you before, you are in far Canada yet I could perceive the odor.  Your Brother is scamming your family, friends and loved ones and you are comfortable.

Madam Judith, I hail ooo, you are the madam James bond of the family keep relocating if you feel is the best option for you. Though I have already filed a petition against your Sister in Canada. I wish you good luck.

                 Your brother, I mean the Devilish young guy scammed retiree of over N30,000,000.00 (Thirty Million Naira) and you feel its cool. I am sure you do not have a clue what awaits your family in forint, just look up you might feel a clue. Good luck. As for the rest of the family Faith and co, i hail oo, the cry of the people you scam shall continue to hunt you.  


 19th December 2021

To Mr. Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela,

 C.E.O of Ela`s Excell Global Limited

Delta State.



 Mr. Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela, I greet you, I know you are a young healthy Nigerian who desire a better life for yourself and members of your family, i sincerely salute your courage to have conceived an idea to help extend your knowledge of Forex Trading to assist people to trade and make something out of it but an investment that only works for months and then the present silence.

 I had never known you, nor seen your picture until the present predicament when you created a WhatsApp platform for all investors for the relevant updates. In the same vein, I had never known that people invested up to N10, 000,000.00 (Ten Million Naira) let alone know that some individuals invested more than N30, 000,000.00 (Thirty Million Naira) each. Now with your silence, What do you think people are passing through? Especially at this period when things are so tight coupled with the festive period when the little Children will be expecting merriment.  Let me ask this: where do you think those people could have gotten such money from? Maybe you know, maybe not, for your information, many of them sold their properties to quickly send their money on an errand and get the property back, at least I know of two.

 Your silence or relocating to another country will only do you more harm, relocating your family: Mum or Sister from one end of Delta State to the other will not help you. Hmmm, frank you have put your foot on boiling oil full of sharp pins. I pitied you. If you like run to Canada or more far Country the truth remains that you cannot run from your shadow.

 My kind advice to you is to come out and address your fear; I can tell you for free that you are surrounded by beasts who do not give you humanly advice from the beginning. You have no idea what you are putting your family into. I will advise you for the last time come and address your investors via the WhatsApp group that you created.

Are you thinking about the shame you are about to put your family into? because we are just starting except you change and do the needful. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Foreign Exchange/Trading

 foreign exchange

Forex, also known as foreign exchange or FX trading, is the conversion of one currency into another. It is one of the most actively traded markets in the world, with an average daily trading volume of $5 trillion.

What is forex trading?

Forex, or foreign exchange, can be explained as a network of buyers and sellers, who transfer currency between each other at an agreed price. It is the means by which individuals, companies, and central banks convert one currency into another – if you have ever traveled abroad, then it is likely you have made a forex transaction.

While a lot of foreign exchange is done for practical purposes, the vast majority of currency conversion is undertaken with the aim of earning a profit. The amount of currency converted every day can make price movements of some currencies extremely volatile. It is this volatility that can make forex so attractive to traders: bringing about a greater chance of high profits, while also increasing the risk.

How do currency markets work?

Unlike shares or commodities, forex trading does not take place on exchanges but directly between two parties, in an over-the-counter (OTC) market. The forex market is run by a global network of banks, spread across four major forex trading centers in different time zones: London, New York, Sydney, and Tokyo. Because there is no central location, you can trade forex 24 hours a day.

There are three different types of forex market:

·         Spot forex market: the physical exchange of a currency pair, which takes place at the exact point the trade is settled – ie ‘on the spot’ – or within a short period of time

·         Forward forex market: a contract is agreed to buy or sell a set amount of a currency at a specified price, to be settled at a set date in the future or within a range of future dates

·         Future forex market: a contract is agreed to buy or sell a set amount of a given currency at a set price and date in the future. Unlike forwards, a futures contract is legally binding

Most traders speculating on forex prices will not plan to take delivery of the currency itself; instead, they make exchange rate predictions to take advantage of price movements in the market.

However, forex Trading has actually made a lot of people rich a popular example is a Nigerian Housewife living in Abuja who made over Three Hundred Million Naira from the comfort of her home every year.

Unfortunately, anything that is good and doing well always attracts scammers as an avenue to scam people. A typical example is the Devilish young guy from Delta State Mr. Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela the C.E.O of Ela`s Excell Global Limited who scammed people of their hard-earned money and never look back.

Presently over Two Hundred People have now developed BP, three of them are stationed in the hospital for overshot sudden BP, Our correspondent gathered that the three men who were in the hospital as at the time our correspondent visit Delta State invested over Thirty Million each, one of them a retiree who sold his property just to send his money on an errand to make more could not withstand the shock.

Our Correspondent also got information concerning the family house of the fraudster and visited the place but was told that the Mother and the Sister had moved to New Layout of Jakpa Road, not far from Ecwa Church. Our correspondent learned that the scammer is now known as `` The Devilish young guy”’ it is funny that the entire family are all allies. The phone number of the sister is 090x599315x Judith, the Devilish mum encouraging the guy is 0708x90847x and 08037xxxxxx. We might reveal it in our next edition.

It is however unprofessional to do what we are about to do but our passion to help speak for the voiceless is making us do this.

Good Nigerians kindly read this in view of the rate of growing scamming schemes in Nigeria and the act of defrauding innocent citizens of their hard earn money we say  ``Mr. Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela the C.E.O of Ela`s Excell Global Limited a.k.a Devilish young guy ‘’ caused is the womb that carried you for 9 months until you pay back all you have defrauded them, your family and your Allies will not know peace until you pay back people their money.

·         You are cursed when you go out and when you come in until you pay people backs

·         Your Sister in Canada will not prosper until you refund the money you scammed people.

·         Your late father will not rest in peace until you refund their money

·         Your Sister Judith and your mother who were also allies will not know peace until you refund people back.

·         The Window of heaven and of mercy is shut against your family until you refund people's money.

Reader if you agree with me kindly type Amen, let's join hands in fighting criminality 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What Is Cryptocurrency?

 What Is Cryptocurrency?

What Is Cryptocurrency?


A cryptocurrency is simply put ``Money” there are two (2) types of money in the world, one is fiat: This is the one we all use as means of exchange for goods and services ``it is also called paper money’’ like Naira, Dollar, Yen e.t.c it is very popular and it's acceptable as means of exchange. The other is called cryptocurrency it is also called digital money because it cannot be touched e.g. Bitcoin, Dash, Electric cash, TRX, Bitcoin Vault e.t.c. it is powered by blockchain. technology. Blockchain Technology is to cryptocurrency what the Internet is to email. You cannot access yahoo mail or Gmail without the internet.

A cryptocurrency is an encrypted, digital asset that can be used as a medium of exchange and a storage of value. The unique cryptography, or computationally secure code, of each cryptocurrency, control its money supply, preventing devaluation, as well as the means by which units can be created, stored, and transferred securely.

The rate at which cryptocurrency is growing is so alarming, that most Government that has fought it has come back to introduce theirs or something so close to it, America fought it, it became so popular that no single wealthy person in America without cryptocurrency, China fought and came back to introduce their called digital yuan, Senegal fought it and later introduced theirs, Britain is discussing theirs, Nigeria is not left out e.t.c.

There is no doubt that Cryptocurrency is the future currency.  In 2007 a bitcoin was lower to a dollar today a Bitcoin worth over $50,000,000.00 you can imagine buying and keeping just 10 of it then. If you are without cryptocurrency, you need to think twice.


Monday, December 13, 2021



The daily phenomenon of scams and the rate at which is growing at the highest pedestrian has drawn our attention to write about scams and reveal the father of it all in Nigeria. The names we are about to reveal should be noted for collective responsibility to ensure that such people do not emerge to hold any political position in Nigeria.

There is a need to understand the word Scam and then proceed, what is a Scam? According to Wikipedia ``confidence trick, an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that "An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value and then receives little or nothing in return. There are many variations of this type of scam, including the "Nigerian scam", also known as a 419 scam. The number "419" refers to the section of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud, the charges, and penalties for offenders.

 The resultant effect and negative impact on our collective identity as Nigerians cannot be overemphasized There is the possibility of few people not knowing this until you travel out of the Country.

The Bible says in Matthew 15:8 these people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Most scammers especially in Nigeria always disguise using the name of God and pretending to be godly to deceive their prey. Anyone could fall victim most especially if they have a registered Company, they are calm, gentle, soft-spoken probably if they have displayed some level of credibility in the past.

Consequently, we are going to be picking two (2) out of several. We will start from number two (2nd Position) and then the father of them all. The 2nd is MBA Forex Trading, the C.E.O is Maxwell Odum. He scammed people of their hard earn money and then went into silence.

And the father of them all is … BEKENAIWE EBI-ELA FRANK the devilish young scammer popularly called Mr. Frank is the C.E.O of Elas Excel limited.

This is a young innocent-looking guy but with devilish hearth, He played his victims posing to be a guru in Forex Trading and was collecting a minimum of Two Hundred Naira to an unlimited amount of money. Many Invested in Millions such as N32, 000,000.00 (Thirty-Two Million Naira, N40, 000,000.00, N40, 000,000.00 (Forty Million Naira) and more with a promise to pay accumulated interest of 20% on monthly basis for 6 months. People had invested and waited for the expiration of the 6 months only for him to come up with a refund structure.. Thereafter, he created a Whatsapp group and put his allies there to tackle his victim all along unknown to the investors, they were even raising prayer points for the guy. Some may have even fasted in view of his deception until all scripts were fully played by various actors he had engaged and then he also went into silence. It is suspected that his Sister in Canada with a foreign number was one of his allies and that he may have relocated to Canada as well. 

Maxwell Odun 

                                                       BEKENAIWE EBI-ELA FRANK 


Friday, December 10, 2021




The name.Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela Frank is synonymous with Devil in the ears of the innocent souls who had invested in Millions of Naira in the orchestrated Forex Trading scripted to be played by various demonic actors from different fields of work.

Not fewer than Seventy-Five (75) people have suddenly developed BP and many fell sick as the event continued to unfold, The young man has completely stopped communicating with the investors and panic continued to build up especially with the way the Legal Practitioner who signed the agreement ad binitio is handling the issue with levity and uncared attitude. Hope is gradually being dashed, Plans are being thwarted and People are now scrabbling for help from different quarters..  

Many who know members of his family are expecting his Sister Esther Bekenaiwe who has relocated to Canada to do something about it but reverse is the case. All his allies who had been bragging via the groups Whatsapp have also gone into silence.    

His Sister in Canada

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Not too young to scam


Not too young to scam

It is no longer news that some unscrupulous evil-hearted element no longer believes in hard work but scrabble for a shortcut to get wealth quick not minding the circumstances that may arise as negative Kalmar from their scamming activities.

This is the issue of a young Nigerian called Frank Bekenaiwe Ebi-Ela the C.E.O of Ela`s Excell Global Limited a Forex Company located at No. 16 Okumagba Avenue After UBA Bank, 2nd Floor, Warri, Delta State. The young man and his Company Lawyer Ejaigu Otto, Esq, Legal Practitioner of Apex Chambers situated at No 157, Jakpa Road, Effurun Effurun had lured patriotic Nigerians who wish to send their hard earn money on an errand to work for them into a scam through Forex Trading, The young man had claimed to people to be a guru in Forex Trading and Register a Company called  Ela`s Excell Global Limited while he engaged the above name Legal Company to draft agreement between the Company and the Individual who wish to send their money on an errand.

The investment process is by obtaining a legal form (Agreement Document) duly signed by three parties comprising the Company`s Lawyer, the Company and individual Intending investor for an amount of N7, 000.00 (Seven Thousand Naira) while the Investment Capital start with the minimum of N200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira Only) to unlimited amount.

So many innocent Nigerians had invested in Millions of Naira and waited for the ROI after the expiration of the six months only for the CEO to come up with a refund plan which has never seen the light of the day. He has put his office under lock and we are reliably informed that he is nowhere to be found. All effort to locate and speak with him proved abortive.

Many of the investors have suddenly developed BP while some are fallen sick, The investment sum involved is so large, many of them invested in Millions, some invested as much as Thirty Two Millions Naira (N32,000,000.00) some Sixteen Million Naira and more. The most shocking of all is that the Lawyer is muted and moving freely as if nothing has happened. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021



There are three major tribes in Nigeria namely: Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa these three groups have their differences in terms of different Identity, Languages, Culture and of course Region. The Igbo are in the Eastern part of the Country, the Yoruba in the Western Region and Hausa`s in the Northern part hence Nigeria was first administer on Regional basis.

Most of my friends are Igbo’s and I easily make Igbo friends while I was in school. Once in a while jokingly, we somehow run into argument with the caption “The Yoruba`s betrayed the Igbo`s” but my sincere question had always been how? In determining this I think is best to run through the common history.

The three regions became a country as a result of the 1913/1914 amalgamation by the colonialist for their easy administration and up to 1959 when they were going to gain their independence from the British Government up until then there was no single clash between the Igbo’s and the Yoruba’s. Then 4there was need for a parliamentary election to determine who takes over from the British Government.  

The result of the election was regionally biased in that the Easterners voted in favour of the Eastern party NCNC (National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons which also came first with 2, 594, 577. 34 81 seats the Western Party came second with 1,992,364.26 73 seats and the Northern Party came third with 1,922,179.25 134 seats and other independent parties







National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons




Action Group




Northern People's Congress*




Northern Elements Progressive Union




Mabolaje Grand Alliance*




Igala Union*






Igbira Tribal Union*


Niger Delta Congress*






Sources: Wikipedia.

Consequently, there was need for a coalition of convenience between political parties in which Action Group of the Western Region traveled to Asaba in the East to meet with Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe of NCNC for possible coalition in which the Action Group was willing to concede the position of Prime Minister to Dr Nnamdi Azikwe while Chief Obafemi Awolowo of Action Group was ready to either deputize or be given Ministerial appointment. They were lodge in an Hotel had dinner together waiting for the signing the next day only for them to read in the dailies that the NCNC of Eastern region had gone to the North to form coalition with the Northerners making Sir Ahmadu Bello of NPC the first Nigerian Prime Minister it was an unimaginary phenomenon for the Yoruba`s “can this be called an act of betrayal or not”?

In 1966 there was a coupe de tat majorly by the Igbo young Officers in which they started their plot against the then Prime Minister, Abubakar Balewa from August 1965. It is clear to all and sundry that the January 1966 coup was what gave birth to the July 1966 counter-coup. This was also the cause of the first and only civil war that occurred in 1967 between the eastern Nigeria and the rest of the country’s.

In the course of the first military coup in Nigeria, up to eleven senior politicians were assassinated by Kaduna Nzeogwu and his fellow coup plotters. They also killed two soldiers and kidnapped up to three other soldiers. Sir Samuel Ladoke Akintola, was the premiere of the Western Region; he was also killed during the coup same for the wife of the Northern Nigeria’s Premier’s wife, Mrs. Lateefat but the Igbo leaders were spared “can this be called an act of betrayal or not”?

Sources :

Young officers from the north carried out a counter coupe de tat that took the lives of many Igbo officers inform of retaliatory fight back to the initial coupe de tat carried out majorly by Igbo officers. As at the period Francis Adekunle Fajuyi was the military governor of the Western Region. the military governor of the Western Region who was a very close friend to the Military head of State stood his ground when the officers of the North came for a retaliatory attack on  Brigadier JTU Aguiyi-Ironsi during his visit to Western Region and decided to die first rather than allowing the Northerner to take the life of his friend “can this be called an act of betrayal or not”?

Consequently, all of these resulted to agitation by the Igbo`s to secede from Nigeria which resulted into first Civil war in Nigeria called Biafrian War. Before we continue on the need to point out who betrayed who, I feel we need to have a general understanding of the word betray or betrayal. Betrayal is the noun form of the verb betray, which means to be disloyal or traitorous. A specific act of disloyalty is a betrayal. the act of betraying someone or something or the fact of being betrayed: violation of a person's trust or confidence, of a moral standard, etc. the betrayal of a friend a betrayal of trust a betrayal of one's principles.

There was a propaganda by the Eastern Region that Chief Obafemi Awolowo had discussed with Ojukwu who was then the Governor of Eastern Region that if the East is forced to secede from Nigeria, that he will pull out the West from Nigeria. Mean while there was no supportive document signed by Obafemi Awolowo to have emphatically make such statement on one hand even if he made such construction was that a commitment to fight along the Igbo`s ? however, what the man said was the same he had been saying and written which is THE EASTERN REGION MUST BE ENCOURAGED TO REMAIN PART OF THE FEDERATION. IF THE EASTERN REGION IS ALLOWED BY ACTS OF OMISSION OR COMMISSION TO SECEDE FROM OR OPT OUT OF NIGERIA, THEN THE WESTERN REGION AND LAGOS MUST ALSO STAY OUT OF THE FEDERATION”. Which was his general statement written and published.

During the war at a particular point the Igbo fought into the Nigerian region which was Ore. My question is who were they killing while they fought their way in the Hausa`s Fulani or the Yoruba`s “can this be called an act of betrayal or not”? I have a yoruba friend who`s father loss all his family who lived in Ore to Biafran war.

In all of these I wish to ask a question who was betrayed the Igbo`s or the Yoruba`s.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

What if there is war?


What if there is war? God forbid. No one prays for war, I do not pray for war, in fact I rebuke it in Jesus' name. The situation of things and the way thing are going is drawing my attention and thought to the question “What if there is war?’’. The insecurity in the Country is seriously becoming alarming, from the Chibok school girls kidnapping on the night of 14–15 April 2014 to the banditry-terrorism nexus in northwest Nigeria, The series of Herdsmen attack here and there, the formation of Vigilantes security outfit  in Southwest called Amotekun, the same in the Northern Nigeria and the East are agitating for same all in the name of Security, The Igbo are saying if they do not produce the President in 2023 there would be secession of Biafra, the Western region is also agitating for Odua Peoples Republic, Student are being kidnap day and night even in higher Institutions.

Tensions, rumours of plans of attack by the Fulani to take over the Eastern and the Western region of the Country are flying on daily basis. People are experiencing series of attack and killings by the Fulani herder’s everyday while the government seems to be doing noting or something next to nothing. All of these and more are drawing my thought to the question “What if there is war”?. Fiat currency (Paper Money) becomes worthless.

Imagine one escaping to neighboring Country and all your savings are the War zone banks. You cannot withdraw because the system is short down. Imagine a millionaire escaped to a neighboring Country and begging for money not because he does not have in the savings but cannot access it. But there a type of money you can withdraw easily all you need is a phone or computer.   

Planning is not just needful, it is crucial, it is said that a life without a plan is a plan to fail on its own.

Permit me to reiterate the importance of Cryptocurrency, e.g. Bitcoin , Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin vault, litecoin,  Electric Cash, Dash etc. What is cryptocurrency? it’s simply money, Digital money, like Naira, Dollar, Yen etc. Crypto currency was introduced in 2009 with Bitcoin being less  than a dollar, few people bought then and kept in their digital wallet in less than 7 years a Bitcoin went up in value to over $7000 USD that was how some people  became millionaires, today a Bitcoin worth $34,000.00 Thirty-Four Thousand, you can Google it.

 Investment is about securing the future; I have seen people who were doing well at work but ended up begging systematically after their retirement, the problem is nothing but inappropriate planning

. Kindly invest in crypto currency, it's a foregone conclusion that it's the future currency, China fought it , they came back to introduced their own currency called digital Yuan, Tunisia fought it they came back to introduce their own digital currency, American Government fought it , it became more popular to the extent that every rich person in America came out to say they are investing, in fact the present richest man in the world (Jeff Bezo and Elon Musk) came out to say he want to be paid in Bitcoin, even though CBN is fighting it today they have come to say they only need to regulate how it's been exchanged in Nigeria, the opportunity is still there. Senegal has launched a blockchain-based national digital currency. Known as eCFA, the digital currency is legal tender with the same value as the current currency

To date, countries that have issued their own cryptocurrencies include Ecuador, China, Senegal, Singapore, Tunisia, and more countries has come out to say they are working on theirs.

Crypto currency has come to take over from fiat currency and it is best for everyone to quickly key into it, especially for your dependent children for the futuristic plan. You can either buy crypto and keep but it is best to mine (produce) in view of the mining permit me to introduce to you the mining Company called mining city. Mining City is a global platform that offers hash power to mine cryptocurrencies. Through experience and technological know-how, Mining City earned the trust of customers around the world! Including me. I have joined and am mining Bitcoin, Bitcoin Vault, and Electric cash, you can mine either or mine all the categories.

You can use my referrer link to join the mining product.

Many of these cryptocurrencies are doing extremely well, the nature of crypto currencies are volatile in value it fluctuate up and down but at long run its going up more.. Kindly contact me if you wish to know about Bitcoin mining by Miningcity. Thank you. Feel free to contact me on whatsapp via +2348056744348.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Who is a Gold digger?


Who is a Gold digger? Dictionary simply put a person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man.” Gold Diggers are everywhere and their relationships are based on material wealth it could be women or Men.

Gold diggers experience is becoming rampant in the world today it can be very obvious in some cases and may not be easily detected in some instances. The need to discover some and expose them is what informed the need for some YouTubers to go on social experiment on the topic “Gold Digger Pranks” see for yourself in the carefully selected videos

Popular quotes on Gold Diggers :

Your boyfriend should not be your source of income my dear its a relationship, not a job opportunity

A man asked a fairy to make him irrissistible to women. She turned him into a credit card.

A woman`s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man`s loyalty is tested when he has everything ...

A man is not a financial plan

Body painting illusion


Body painting illusion Is an interesting creative body artistic paint on human skin to form the desired objects or Animals to entertain the target audience.  It is usually on a temporary basis just for entertainment. It could be done on an individual or group of people to form the desired animal especially when the projected animal is big in size. It is called illusion because the Animals or object form appears real from afar and sometimes if not told you might actually think is real.    

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The uniqueness of Egun Music

The Egun People; an ethnic group located in Badagry, Lagos State, Ogun State, Nigeria and Benin Republic, Badagry Lagos was the pathway predominantly use by the Colonialist and it houses the First Storey Building in Africa, First School in Africa and the Place where Bishop Ajayi Crowther translated the Bible to Yoruba Language. 

Badagry having lagoon and an Atlantic port served as the center for Commercial activity in the 1730s and 1850s to facilitate trade during the Slave Trade. The People are extremely rich in culture most especially their captivating Music which is very distinct from every other cultural music in Nigeria.

The Ogu (Egun) Music is very interesting, always melodiously put together to illustrate a position, scenario, or situational illustration. The dancers are very energetic without which it may be difficult to dance, it always starts in a low key with gentle steps and gradually transit to real energetic moves.