Friday, June 4, 2021

Who is a Gold digger?


Who is a Gold digger? Dictionary simply put a person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man.” Gold Diggers are everywhere and their relationships are based on material wealth it could be women or Men.

Gold diggers experience is becoming rampant in the world today it can be very obvious in some cases and may not be easily detected in some instances. The need to discover some and expose them is what informed the need for some YouTubers to go on social experiment on the topic “Gold Digger Pranks” see for yourself in the carefully selected videos

Popular quotes on Gold Diggers :

Your boyfriend should not be your source of income my dear its a relationship, not a job opportunity

A man asked a fairy to make him irrissistible to women. She turned him into a credit card.

A woman`s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man`s loyalty is tested when he has everything ...

A man is not a financial plan

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