Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Danger of Tattoos
Tattoos might be more common than ever, but don't take tattooing lightly. Know the risks risk involved in tattoos.
You could be the proud owner of a new tattoo in a matter of hours — but don't let the ease of getting tattoos stop you from making a thoughtful decision about permanent body art. Before you get a tattoo, make sure you know what's involved. Also, be certain that tattooing is the right decision for you.
How tattoos are done
A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer. Typically, the tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine that acts much like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin repeatedly. With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets. The process — which is done without anesthetics — causes a small amount of bleeding and slight to potentially significant pain.

Tattooing is a trend that has been "in style" for years. But like everything, it has it's dangers.
 Some of the risk involved with tattooing are HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitus B. These 
diseases are highly contagious through contact with blood. It is important that people choose
 tattoo artist who properly sterlize their equipment. The American Academy of Dermatology says 
that non-sterile tattooing practices have also led to the transmission of Syphilis.

On rare occasions, people get a nervous stomach while getting tattooed and sometimes even pass 
out. The same thing happens when people give blood. After all -- you do bleed when you get
 tattooed. Some people are natural bleeders and bleeding does occur during tattooing. Certain
 people who are Hemopheliacs don't even need to consider getting tattooed. It is extremely dangerous 
on their part.

Some times after being tattooed people have regrets -- especially if they were tattooed on the
 "spur of the moment." Lazer Surgery is the only way to successfully remove a tattoo. Although it
 is a solution, just like everything -- it comes with a high price. It can cost over $100,000! 
Tattoo removal is considerably more painful and more expensive than getting a tattoo. The process 
usually takes several sessions and offers varying results. Doctors say that tattoos can always be
 lightened, but not completely removed.

Spiritual danger of tattoos

Throughout history the tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism,
 mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism and just about every other pagan belief known. The tattoo has 
NEVER been associated with Bible Believing Christians.
The birth of the tattoo has always born the fruits of pagan religion and mysticism. Without exception,
 research after research, study after study, book after book, the roots of the tattoo never wavers.
Mark of the Beast"

For centuries Christians have speculated about the meaning of the "mark of the beast" and the number 
666, both of which are discussed in Revelation chapter 13. We are told that a symbolic beast with two 
horns, and who spoke like a dragon, "forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead" (13:16). What is this strange "mark"?
His number is 666"

Revelation now gives us its definition of the beast’s mark. It "is the name of the beast or the number 
of his name" (13:17). This number "is a man’s number," and it is 666 (13:18).

The Bible also warned the Christian: do not be ignorant of the devises of the enemy. the mark could
 come in any appearance or language translation unknown to you for example in Yoruba language
 Efa Efa Efa meaning 666, Roman figure vi vi vi etc.  

bad tattoo 3 Regret nothing... except for this tattoo (21 photos)

bad tattoo 12 Regret nothing... except for this tattoo (21 photos)

bad tattoo 19 Regret nothing... except for this tattoo (21 photos)

1 comment:

  1. I've never liked tattoo. I just can't understand why anyone will choose to disfigure their body in the name of fashion. I find it disgusting. This is a beautiful article. I find it quite educating. It's so sad that the devil is using people to destroy the good body God gave to them. so,so sad!
